Windows 11 jest problemem dla Microsoftu, ale też dla użytkowników

Windows 11 is an increasing problem for users

Although Microsoft is trying hard to encourage users to switch to Windows 11, these efforts are apparently to no avail. Windows 10 still dominates our computers.

Windows 11 debuted in October 2021, so it is almost 2.5 years old. Despite such a long time on the market, it is not very popular. It may be in second place among the most frequently used Windows versions, but it is still a huge loss to Windows 10 and is making up for it at a snail’s pace.

Windows 11? Doesn’t want!

StatCounter has published the latest data on the popularity of individual versions of Windows. The most popular version is still the ten, which is at 67.26%. computers. Interestingly, the share increased compared to January, when Windows 10 boasted a result of 66.47%.

Windows 11 comes in second place, but it’s hard to call it a great success. Although the system is over 2 years old, and in the meantime the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, which forced many people to buy a computer, the eleven’s result is poor. Currently, it is only 28.16 percent. PCs. The improvement compared to January is minimal and amounts to only 0.33 percentage points, so it is difficult to really talk about making up for the losses.

The next places are: Windows 7 (3.1%), Windows 8.1 (0.65%), Windows XP (0.52%) and Windows 8 (0.22%).

Windows - popularity of the system version

Why such a poor result of Windows 11? There are several reasons. First of all, the system has much higher requirements and it simply cannot be installed on many older computers (at least officially). Secondly, the eleven is still considered problematic. You can argue whether this is the right opinion, but the fact is that it certainly affects the willingness to change.

Such poor adoption of Windows 11 is a problem not only for Microsoft, but also for users. Among other things, because support for Windows 10 ends in 2025, and yet no one is eager to install a newer version of the software. This is an issue that computer owners will have to consider. Next year they will either use an unsupported system or decide to install eleven, and if this is not possible, they may not have to buy a new computer.

The rule that every second Microsoft operating system is successful seems to still apply.

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