What about the tax on combustion cars? The government has provided new news
What next with the tax on internal combustion cars, which was included in the National Reconstruction Plan by the previous government? Conversations are continuing.
The National Reconstruction Plan, negotiated by the previous PiS government, included a tax on internal combustion cars. This would be introduced in 2025. However, the current coalition government wants to abandon it because it considers it unfair. However, the European Union is not willing to remove it from the plan.
Tax on internal combustion cars
Jan Szyszko, Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, said that talks with the European Union are still ongoing and are slowly getting closer to reaching a compromise. This is a very important issue for the government because, in their opinion, such a tax will hit the poorest people.
We have presented the unchanging, strong point of view of the Polish government that this tax is extremely unfair and if we start introducing green changes in Poland with a tax on the poorest, which in fact this proposal is, it will be the first and last green change we will introduce in Poland.
– said Jan Szyszko.
The Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy said that for now he cannot reveal what the compromise with Brussels would consist of. However, he is a moderate optimist in this matter and in his opinion there should be official information on this matter in the coming weeks. At the same time, he added that the European Commission expects the implementation of what is included in the KPO milestone, i.e. reducing exhaust emissions from transport in Poland.
And we also want to achieve this goal. We only intend to implement it in a pro-social way, not in a blindly bureaucratic way.
– added the deputy minister.
At the turn of April and May, Poland will send a KPO revision package, approved by the Council of Ministers. After receiving it, the European Commission will have 2 months to respond to it.