Co z cenami prądu? Rząd uspokaja i mówi, żeby się nie przywiązywać

What about electricity prices? The government says not to get attached

Energy companies started sending their customers forecasts of electricity prices in the second half of the year, when the limits will end. The government reassures and assures that you should not become attached to them.

Poles are rightly concerned about the amount of electricity bills in the second half of 2024. The prices frozen by the government are valid only until the end of June and we still do not know what exactly the coalition's plans are for the second half of 2024. Moreover, energy companies have started to present their own forecasts, which are not very optimistic for customers. However, the government is reassuring.

What about electricity prices?

The head of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Paulina Hennig-Kloska, said on TVN24 that customers should not be attached to the forecasts presented by energy companies at the moment. In her opinion, they are calculated automatically and based on currently applicable regulations. Meanwhile, the government is working on a new law to solve the problem of high electricity prices.

We are finishing writing a bill that will contain three elements. The first is to change the basis for calculating tariffs so that they can be lowered. There is room for reduction, the new management wants to lower prices. Tariffs will be lower.

– announced Paulina Hennig-Kloska.

In addition, the government is also preparing lower maximum electricity prices, which will be lower than now, as well as energy vouchers for those most in need. The latter is expected to cover as many as 3.5 million households. The draft of the new law is to be submitted to the Sejm in April.

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