Lek na astmę, pierwsza nowość od 50 lat

This drug is a revolution. Patients have been waiting for it for 50 years

For half a century, people suffering from asthma attacks have been using the same drugs, the effectiveness of which leaves something to be desired. Finally, there was hope for improvement.

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Scientists from King’s College London have developed a new drug called Benralizumabwhich can completely change the rules of the game. This could be a revolution in saving the lives of people suffering from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The new drug is better than steroids

Currently, the first line of defense against breathing difficulties is an inhaler. However, it sometimes happens that inhaled drugs are ineffective and then patients are recommended treatment with steroids. Does it work? In The Lancet Respiratory Medicine you can read about: study involving 158 patients. monitored for three months after treatment. In 74 percent of those treated with steroids, inflammation recurred. Moreover, steroid treatment has a number of unpleasant side effects, such as weight gain, bone weakness and sleep problems.

The new drug performed much better in this experiment. Relapses were recorded in 45%. people. Moreover, after the new treatment, patients had to go to hospital less often, needed re-treatment less often and… lived longer. Their quality of life also improved.

The creators of Benralizumab approached the matter in an innovative way. The basis of their discovery is the observation that not all shortness of breath attacks are the same. During an asthma attack, different parts of the immune system become overactive in different people. Different patterns of inflammation allow therapy to be better tailored to the patient’s needs.

Benralizumab targets a specific type of white blood cell. These are eosinophils (acidophilic blood cells), usually protecting us against parasites. These blood cells are also involved in allergic reactions and are responsible for about half of asthma attacks and one in three COPD attacks. These blood cells can cause inflammation and thus even damage lung tissue.

The new drug gives hope that patients have not had for 50 years. There is still no prospect of patients completely getting rid of their attacks, but it is a step in the right direction. In early 2025, Benralizumab will be tested on a larger scale.

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