They are to be placed in every Polish city. They will transfer the money to your account
Poles have created a recycling machine that will allow you to transfer money for returned bottles directly to your account. The first tests are scheduled to start in the summer.
In 2025, the deposit system will come into force in Poland. Every store with an area exceeding 200 square meters will be obliged to accept used bottles and cans. Smaller ones will also be able to join the program if they wish to do so.
For this reason, some chains, such as Biedronka and Lidl, are already preparing for the new law. Various solutions are being tested and are to be introduced in due course. Meanwhile, a groundbreaking recyclomate, i.e. equipment for returning used packaging, was developed by the Poznań Institute of Technology in cooperation with Czyta Polska.
Polish recycler
The Poznań Institute of Technology and Czysta Polska are working on a recycling machine that can be placed anywhere – trade news informs. However, its biggest advantage is that for returning the packaging we will not receive a shopping voucher, as is the case in Biedronka or Lidl, but simply money in our account. These can be transferred without a phone call or the need to remember your bank account number. For this purpose, the creators want to develop a simple, yet effective system.
We are creating an algorithm that will allow you to encode any bank account number with just a few words. It will look very graphic in this way: when returning the bottle at the recycling machine, you just need to say, for example, a sequence of three specific words and the deposit will automatically be transferred to our account, without providing other data or, for example, presenting a card or telephone. When we go out to throw away the garbage or are on the beach, we don’t have our phone or wallet with us, so this system is designed to be as simple as possible for the recipient.
– explains Tomasz Markowski, head of the Electronic Devices Research Group at Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology.
The first tests of the devices are scheduled to begin in the summer. The first dozen or so recyclers are planned to be installed in June. The creators are also looking for possible partners, because the devices can be programmed according to the customer’s wishes. This means that it can also issue shopping vouchers if, for example, a large chain of stores so wishes.