The government will take care of Poles’ salaries. This is very good news
The government is working on a bill on the minimum wage. The new regulations will also hit dishonest employers who are late in paying wages.
Currently, the Polish government is working on a new draft of the minimum wage act. In the meantime, politicians have decided to address the issue of unreliable employers who are late with paying wages. This is one of the changes that the Left announced in its election campaign — reports Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.
The government is targeting employers
Details of the project are not known. It is known that the government wants employers who are late in paying wages owed to employees to have to pay interest for each day of delay. Currently, similar regulations are already in force, but the potential penalty for latecomers is relatively low. The new project is to assume up to 16 times higher interest than currently.
The project has appeared on the government’s legislative agenda, but its details are not known. It will probably be based on proposals that the Left made during the election campaign. The party then proposed interest of 0.5 percent of monthly earnings for each day of delay. In such a case, a monthly delay (30 days) would mean the need to pay an additional 15%.
The proposal is of course a problem for employers who do not meet their obligations within the required deadlines. On the other hand, the change should please employees who often have a problem receiving their salary on time. This is a huge problem, because in such a case Poles are really helpless. The new regulations may change this.