The government will pay Poles an extra PLN 30,000 each. zloty. The rules are simple
The government announced that there will be no tax on internal combustion cars. Instead, Poles will be encouraged to pay subsidies for electric cars.
The controversial tax on combustion cars, which was included in the National Reconstruction Plan by the previous government, will not come into force. Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, announced that the revision of the KPO has been adopted by the Council of Ministers. Instead, the government wants to subsidize Poles' car purchases – informs
The government will subsidize the purchase of an electrician
How then does the government want to achieve the goals related to ecological transport? Incentives. As much as PLN 1.6 billion from the National Reconstruction Plan will be allocated to subsidies for the purchase of electric cars. These are supposed to be 30 thousand. PLN per person, and in the case of scrapping an old car, even a little more.
There will be no tax on owning combustion cars in Poland! The European Commission positively considered the application of the Ministry of Climate and Environment in this matter. The tax will replace the subsidy program for the purchase of electric cars. Let's turn the stick into a carrot!
– the head of the Ministry of Climate and Environment wrote on Twitter.
Importantly, the subsidies will apply not only to the most expensive models, but also to mid-range ones. In addition, we will also receive them for the purchase of used electric cars, as long as their age does not exceed 4 years. People who decide to purchase under leasing or long-term rental will also be able to apply for the subsidy.