Rząd bierze się za kierowców. Ostre przepisy od 14 marca

The government is taking care of drivers. New regulations from March 14

Drivers who decide to drive under the influence of alcohol must expect their car to be confiscated. The new regulations enter into force on March 14.

From March 14, the amendment to the Penal Code will come into force, introducing a new penalty for drivers driving on double gas or under the influence of intoxicants. Driving under the influence may result in confiscation of the car, forfeiture of its value or a fine of up to PLN 100,000. zloty – reports Rzeczpospolita.

Car confiscation for driving under the influence

According to the new regulations, every driver who drives a vehicle after consuming and detecting more than 1.5 per mille of alcohol in his blood will have his car confiscated. The same applies to people who drink less, but in such a state they will cause an accident. In both cases, the court will have no choice but to order the forfeiture of the vehicle.

The situation is slightly different when you cause an accident, but not under the influence. Then the court’s decision may be different. Exceptions justified by the individual circumstances of the case will be decisive. However, in the event of an offense against road safety, the car will also be confiscated.

The aim of the change is to make such a crime more difficult in the future by depriving the perpetrator of a vehicle or money that he can use to purchase a vehicle.

– explains attorney Piotr Pałka.

Car confiscation applies to drivers who own the vehicle. If we drive a car belonging to another person under the influence, the value of the car will be forfeited. The same will apply in the case of selling, hiding or donating a vehicle in order to avoid punishment. The amount will be determined based on the value in the insurance policy and, in the absence of a policy, based on the average market value.

What if the car is completely destroyed in an accident? Then the court will not order its confiscation or forfeiture of its equivalent. The situation is even different when we drive a company car while performing professional or business activities. In such circumstances, the court will award compensation to the Victims’ Assistance Fund and Post-penitentiary Assistance in the amount of PLN 5,000 to even PLN 100,000. zloty.

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