Chińczycy piszą do polskiego rządu ws. Izery. Wkrótce decyzja

The Chinese are writing to the Polish government regarding Jizera. Decision soon

The future of the Polish electric car Izera is in serious doubt. The decision is expected to be made soon. Meanwhile, the Polish government received a letter on this matter, sent by the Chinese.

The Polish electric car Izera has long been controversial. The new government is wondering whether to continue this project at all. Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, revealed by when a decision on this matter will be made. However, the matter is very important for the Chinese, who wrote a letter to the Polish government.

Continue with Izera?

Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, said that Izera as such is not included in the National Reconstruction Plan. There are funds allocated for non-emission means of transport, which include the Polish electric car, but it is not the only option. Alternatives include electric buses, whose factories are located in Poland, or electric bicycles.

The government has not yet decided whether the Jizera project will be continued at all. This is expected to expire by the end of April. The KPO renegotiation package is to be ready in February.

This is a dilemma: do we want a car that is Polish in a small part and Chinese technology in a large part, but we still have a factory in Poland, which is some kind of development impulse. Or maybe we don’t want Chinese technologies because we perceive it as a threat. But at the same time, there is a risk that such technologies may be accepted by another EU country and such a factory will be located elsewhere and Poles will buy them.

– said the Minister of Funds and Regional Policy.

Interestingly, the Polish government received a letter from the Chinese company Geely, which was supposed to cooperate with us on Izer. In it, they try to convince politicians to continue the project because, in their opinion, it is to be one of the largest production plants exclusively for electric vehicles in the region.

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