Steam z ważną nowością dla graczy. Inne programy tracą sens

Steam with important news for players. Other programs lose their meaning

Steam, probably the largest and most popular gaming platform, has prepared an important update for all users. The newness means that some programs will lose their meaning.

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If someone is a PC gamer, they not only know Steam, but they probably also use it. After all, it is probably the largest and most popular platform for PC games. It has just been enriched with a new, useful function.

Steam and screen recording

Players sometimes need to record a fragment of the game because, for example, they achieved some spectacular action. Until now, you had to use external programs for this purpose, e.g. Medal or GeForce Experience. Now this will no longer be necessary, because Steam will allow you to record the game itself, either in the form of an entire recording or a short clip.

The recording function will work not only on Windows computers, but also on Linux computers, as well as on the Steam Deck console. Valve promises the lowest possible hardware load here. For this purpose, the mechanism is to use the capabilities of NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon graphics cards.

Creating clips using Steam is also said to be much easier than using other applications. The Launcher is supposed to automatically mark individual fragments of videos when, for example, we are in the lobby of an online game, we have died in a given round or the round is loading (if the game supports adding tags). This should make it easier to crop the video to show the part you’re interested in.

You can also share the created materials. Steam also allows you to set their quality.

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