Polacy oszczędzają dzięki urządzeniom smart home

Poles save money thanks to smart home devices

Poles are increasingly willing to save energy, and therefore also money, by using devices in their homes smart home. Almost 40% of respondents taking part in a study conducted for Netatmo already have them.

Poles expect it significant increases in energy prices. According to a study conducted by UCE Research For Netatmountil 61% of respondents plan to save more in 2024 than in the previous year. A lot of people want to do it with help smart home devices.

Energy consumption control

It is crucial to save energy a detailed understanding of where exactly it is collected. Thanks to smart devices, the user gains access to reports on energy consumption in his home. As a result, you may find that certain appliances that are left on all the time, or high temperatures in rooms that are rarely used, generate unnecessary costs.

Almost 40% of respondents in the study already use smart home solutions. The most popular devices are: smart thermostats (17.5%), smart controllers for air conditioning and heat pumps (15%), and smart thermostatic heads (9%). All of these devices allow you not only to automate home management, but also to access energy consumption reports and adjust their work schedule to your needs. Thus, by increasing the comfort of home maintenance, household members can also reduce their bill expenses.

– said Michał Sroka, Country Manager at Netatmo

Netatmo study chart 1

Remote control and planning of device functions

The possibility of remote control allows for more effective planning of energy consumption. With a smart home system you can manage your heating even when you are away from home or adjust your work schedule automatically to your individual lifestyle. This allows you to reduce energy consumption by, for example, lowering the temperature at night or turning off the heating when you are away, turning it on again just before you plan to return to your apartment.

These features can also convince consumers to use a smart home. According to the study, in the next few months 45% of Poles intend to purchase intelligent devices enabling energy management. Smart home is the most popular among future buyers intelligent controller for air conditioning and heat pumpsbecause it is chosen by as many as 1/5 of the respondents.

Netatmo study chart 2

This is most likely related to the increasing popularity of heat pumps and the use of air conditioning as a source of heating for a house or apartment. 13% of Poles plan to purchase intelligent thermostatic heads, and every tenth chooses an intelligent thermostat. The choice of solution is also related to the type of heating at home, but there is a growing interest in smart home and the openness of Poles to implementing these solutions, especially in the era of high energy prices.

– added the expert

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