Poles in the qualifying rounds for the most difficult space robotics competition
69 teams from all over the world will fight for the chance to participate in the final of the 10th anniversary edition of the European Rover Challenge (ERC). The most difficult space robotics competition in the world will take place this year in Krakow.
September 6-8, 2024 – it is on these days that the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow will host 10th anniversary edition of ERC. But before it happens, the organizers must select the best of the best. It won't be easy, because As many as 69 teams from all over the world competed.
Extraordinary space struggles
It does not matter whether the robots move on wheels, caterpillars or use walking mechanisms – the efficiency of task performance is key. Robots taking part in competitions they must face many competitions to reflect the challenges of space exploration. Skills such as the ability to autonomously navigate in the field, drilling, analyzing the composition of geological samples and operating a robotic arm are put to the test. What is important, This extraordinary event attracts not only students, but also representatives of science and business from all over the world. Its essence is not only competition, but also integration of the space exploration community.
This year, the registered teams include teams from recognized universities, including: from Australia, Japan, Germany, Costa Rica, Canada and France. But there are also new teams.
We are particularly pleased with the debut teams of students from Serbia, Romania, Kazakhstan and Pakistan – this shows that we are reaching further and further, and the idea of the competition is equally attractive in Europe, Asia, Australia and America. Of course, it's hard not to pay attention to the powerful Polish national team
– says Konrad Lippert, coordinator of the teams of the international ERC Mars rover competition.
A space experience for everyone at ERC 2024!
During ERC 2024, not only robotics competitions will be held, but also… business conference with the participation of leading space sector experts, astronauts and scientists. They will share their knowledge and experience in areas such as the future of human settlements on the Moon and Mars, sustainable development of the Earth and space commercialization.
For those eager for knowledge, there will be an ideal place for space and technology enthusiasts of all ages – the Inspiration Zone. There you can learn more about space, astronomy, meet science popularizers and see space technologies up closethat are in orbit on a daily basis. Whether you're a student, a professional or just a space enthusiast, the Inspiration Zone will have something for everyone.
More information about the event and the teams taking part in the competition can be found on the website https://roverchallenge.eu/