Polacy zaczynają dostawać takie wezwania. Opornym grożą kary

Poles are starting to receive such calls. Those who resist will face penalties

The tax office is the first to call on Poles for explanations in connection with their sales via Vinted, OLX and Allegro.

This is the EU directive DAC-7, which is also in force in Poland. According to her, all online sales platforms must obtain additional data from sellers and then make it available to the National Tax Administration. And the first Poles began to receive calls for explanations, as reported by Wyborcza.biz.

The tax office controls Poles

Wyborcza describes the story of one of the users of the Vinted platform, through which he sells clothes. The Tax Office called him for explanations. During the interview, he had to fill out an application and provide the amounts for selling the items. Afterwards, the official informed him that he would be informed about next steps.

The further fate of the case is unknown because the hero of the story did not receive any information from the tax office. However, fears that the tax authorities may impose penalties in this regard seem justified.

It is worth recalling that the case concerns people who sell at least 30 items within a year via online platforms or their total value exceeds PLN 2,000. euro. This applies to Allegro, OLX and Vinted. In such a case, you should expect an inspection by the Tax Office asking for explanations, because under the regulations it may be treated as an unregistered business activity.

However, people who make occasional sales and do not exceed the established limits have no reason to worry. Experts argue that this should not be considered an activity.

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