PKO BP po cichu zrobił rewolucję w kartach. Nie daj się zaskoczyć

PKO BP quietly revolutionized cards. Don't let yourself be surprised

PKO BP bank surprised customers. He quietly introduced a change in the method of paying by card.

The change was introduced recently and customers learned about it when they received their newly issued cards. Well there is no additional CVV security number printed on the back side, in the cardholder's signature field. The bank did not announce such a change, and there is no explanation in the correspondence attached to the new card. What is it about?

PKO BP issues cards without CVV

It is easy to say that the card issued in this way is the result of a production error, and the bank's customers also came to this conclusion. However, this is a wrong conclusion. PKO BP has implemented additional security for online cashless payments: the CVV security code is changed periodically and can be found after logging in to the iPKO online banking account and in the IKO application, in the “Show card details” section.

The bank announced this change in March. Here is a fragment of the message:

Existing credit card users can use both the CVC/CVV code printed on the back of the card and the dynamic CVC/CVV security code displayed in the IKO application and iPKO website to pay online. New credit cards, including those renewed, will no longer have a static security code printed on the back – the customer will find a hint there: “CVC/CVV -> IKO mobile application/iPKO online service/hotline”.

Customers of PKO Bank Polski access to card data can be found in IKO and iPKO – in the “Cards” tab, after clicking on the “Show card details” option and after additional access authorization. Customers who have a credit card but do not use the bank's website or mobile application can obtain such a code via the bank hotline (800 302 302) available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

At the same time, the bank informs that changes to the CVV code will not affect periodically billed subscriptions for services. On the PKO BP website you can read that digital functions are now available to all individual customers using credit cards, including the most popular Transparent credit cards and PKO Mastercard Platinum and PKO Visa Infinite cards.

The changes will affect over 900,000 customers. Holders debit cards will be able to use the variable CVV code a little later. Ultimately PKO Bank Polski also intends to introduce completely digital payment cards. This means that customers will be able to completely give up plastic, but retain all the possibilities offered by these cards.

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