NVIDIA zabija aplikację GeForce Experience. Idzie nowe, lepsze

NVIDIA kills GeForce Experience. Something new and better is coming

The GeForce Experience app will soon cease to exist. NVIDIA has developed a new, theoretically better alternative.

All NVIDIA GeForce card owners should be familiar with the GeForce Experience application. If we do not deselect this option, it is installed together with the drivers. It is a kind of hub that allows you to manage settings, record gameplay, automatically optimize settings depending on your computer’s specifications, or simply update drivers. It will soon cease to exist.

End of NVIDIA GeForce Experience

The new application is simply called NVIDIA App. It is now available on the manufacturer’s website, so everyone can try it. However, you must know that this is currently a beta version, so in theory there may be even smaller or larger errors. However, in terms of capabilities, the application has been expanded compared to GeForce Experience.


To a large extent, NVIDIA App is the same as GeForce Experience. The basic functions are the same. This includes the ability to automatically set graphic details in installed productions, although two new techniques have been added in the form of RTX Dynamic Vibrance and RTX HDR.


In addition, NVIDIA App allows you to enable the so-called overlay, but again it has been greatly expanded and can display much more information. In practice, NVIDIA App can now replace MSI Afterburner, which is popular among gamers. Of course, there is also the possibility of downloading new versions of drivers or recording gameplay.

Another very important change is that in the new program you do not have to log in to your NVIDIA account (at least for now), which can be irritating in the case of GeForce Experience. This is only required if you want to claim the various rewards that appear there from time to time.


In addition, NVIDIA has significantly refreshed the application interface. It seems much simpler and clearer. Importantly, installing NVIDIA App works like an update to GeForce Experience, so it simply replaces the previous program. It is not known when exactly the Greens intend to kill the previous app, but it is probably a matter of time.

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