No More Chinese Software in Cars? US Wants Ban

No More Chinese Software in Cars? US Wants Ban

The China-US conflict over autonomous cars continues. The US wants to ban Chinese software from electric cars. And it’s not just about road safety.

The end of Chinese software in cars?

According to Reuters reports, The United States is considering banning Chinese software from self-driving cars. without the participation of the driver (self-deriving). The reason for the ban is security concerns related to imperfections in the functioning of the software.

Will Chinese electric cars disappear from American roads?

The Biden administration plans to ban so-called third-tier or higher automated driving vehicles. This would mean most electric cars made by Chinese companies would disappear from American roads. Just recently, US authorities increased tariffs on Chinese electric car imports by 100%. This is another blow to these companies after the US introduced new environmental requirements for car batteries. Most of the batteries for electric cars produced in China do not meet these standards and must adjust their production. According to Reuters, American authorities are concerned not only about road safety.

What is this really about?

It is also problematic for the White House the fact that data is transmitted through Chinese software. Electric cars, which have a permanent network connection, transmit information directly to China. The planned legal changes are to ensure that in cars available on the American market there will be no possibility of digital communication with Chinese manufacturers.

National security concerns arise from the use of wireless communications in electric cars.

– we read in the commentary of the US Department of Defense.

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