Netflix. Masz najtańszy abonament? Nie obejrzysz wszystkiego

Netflix wants you to pay more. He will deal with it by force

Netflix limits the availability of movies and series for users with the cheapest subscription with advertising.

Netflix introduced the cheapest package with advertising 2 years ago. Now it turns out that promotional materials before films and series are just one of the inconveniences. The platform began to limit access to some materials to users with the cheapest subscription.

Netflix limits access to movies and series

More and more Netflix users report that they cannot watch all the movies and series available on the platform. Many of them contain information that you need to purchase a more expensive package to view them. The situation concerns people who have the cheapest subscription in which ads are displayed.

It is easy to guess that many users did not like this approach. The cheapest package was supposed to be the cheapest precisely because ads were displayed before films and series. It is true that Netflix has announced that it intends to limit the availability of some materials, but – as you can see – this does not reassure users of the platform. Recent data shows that more and more people are using the ad-supported package, but after these reports the trend may be reversed.

Fortunately, the advertising package is still not valid in Poland. This option will probably appear in our country over time, but we don’t know when it will happen.

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