Microsoft pracował nad mocniejszą wersją Xbox Series S, ale plan upadł

Microsoft was working on a more powerful version of the Xbox Series S, but the plan fell through

At one point, Microsoft was supposed to be working on both an improved version of Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. In both cases, the plan fell through. Why?

Microsoft will probably not present improved versions of its consoles this generation. For the company from Redmond, the basic model is Series S, and Series X is the device that is to be treated as an improved model. However, at some point, work was to be carried out on more powerful versions of both consoles, but the plan failed.

There will be no enhanced Xboxes

First of all, Microsoft was supposed to abandon the plan to create a better version of Xbox Series X. Work on the improved Series S edition took a little longer, but ultimately it will not be implemented either. The console was supposed to use more powerful AMD RDNA 3 cores, more RAM, and even some kind of resolution scaling.

Fortunately, plans were not at an advanced stage. Microsoft didn’t even have a ready SoC, which certainly made the decision to close the project easier. The Redmond company reportedly had concerns about the adoption of a device that, on the one hand, is better than Xbox Series S, but at the same time still weaker than Xbox Series X.

Developers also apparently had their say. They were afraid that as many as four different versions of consoles in one generation would be too much of a challenge when designing new games. Therefore, in the end, both projects ended up in the trash. Microsoft’s next console will probably be the next-generation Xbox, which is expected to debut in a standard stationary version as well as a portable version as a handheld.

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