Loan for a stranger? This is becoming more and more common in Poland
Unfortunately, 2023 was a record year in Poland in terms of fraud involving loans using other people’s documents.
The Polish Bank Association revealed data for 2023 on the number and total amount of loan fraud using other people’s data. They do not inspire optimism. The past 12 months have been record-breaking in this respect.
Fraud of other people’s data
According to the Polish Bank Association, in 2023 there were a total of 9.7 thousand. attempts to extort loans using someone else’s identity. For comparison, a year earlier there were 8,000 of them. i.e. by almost 20 percent. less. In total, fraudsters tried to extort as much as PLN 296 million. This is also a higher amount compared to 2022, when it amounted to PLN 194 million.
A certain light at the end of the tunnel is the greater awareness of Poles. 1.5 million of us have already reserved our PESEL number, which can now also be done using the mObywatel application. Additionally, the database of the “Restricted Documents” system already contains almost 2.5 million records. In 2023 alone, Poles registered as many as 177,762 documents that were stolen or lost.