ING has a new way to use the Trusted Profile.  Check out the app

ING has a new way to use the Trusted Profile. Check out the app

ING has provided customers using the Trusted Profile with the option of confirming their identity in the mobile application instead of in the browser. The bank has also introduced a facility thanks to which there will be no need to use SMS codes.

ING has implemented a new solution for customers who they do things on the phone – they can now confirm their identity in the Moje ING applicationand then return to the process in the mobile browser.

The bank also implemented another convenience – replacement typing into the browser SMS codes PIN confirmation in the application mobile, which significantly speeds up and facilitates the entire process.

As ING explains, the new solution is a response to the growing use of the Trusted Profile and the increase in the number websites with identity confirmationto which customers can log in to deal with their official or commercial matters.

How to confirm your identity in the Moje ING application?

To use the new function, you must first: on the office’s website or supplier choose login via online bankingand then indicate ING.

In the next step, select an option “Confirm in the Moje ING application”. You will then be redirected to the application where you can quickly and safely confirm your identity,

From now on, the process runs in Moje ING. In the application, instead of a password, you can use biometricsand instead of the SMS code, the customer will enter the PIN, which is easier and faster.

Logging into the mobile application concerns processes that the client conducts on the phone. In turn, replacing authorization SMSes with confirmation in the mobile application makes it easier for customers who carry out transactions process on the computer.

ING Bank announces that the new feature will be further developed and reserves that at this stage, customers may still find places that still require logging in in a browser.

Using Moje ING, you can also carry out the process of creating a Trusted Profile. If the customer has previously confirmed his or her personal data at a bank branch, he or she can use the banking application to create a Profile. The profile is valid for 3 years.

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