Greece joins the Artemis agreement.  This is the 35th country

Greece joins the Artemis agreement. This is the 35th country

Greece was another country that signed the Artemis Accords, an agreement on the use of the Moon’s resources.

More and more countries are starting be interested in the Moon. Missions to the Silver Globe are no longer only the domain of the Americans, Chinese and Russians. Recently, India and Japan have landed on its surface. NASA thinks it’s high time to introduce some rules to prevent chaos. Therefore, they initiated the Artemis Accords agreement, which has now been joined by the 35th country.

Greece joins Artemis Accords

Artemis Accords was founded in 2020 by NASA in cooperation with the United States Department of State and seven founding countries. Now we are in 2024 and the number of countries interested in the agreement has increased to thirty-five. Among them there is also Poland, and the latest acquisition is Greece.

The countries that signed the document agree to a number of principles governing the exploration of outer space and the use of its resources. The principle is here transparency and interoperability of activities and registration of objects sent into space. Countries covered by the agreement can count on emergency assistance. The document also regulates issues such as obtaining raw materials and sharing research results.

Artemis Accords This is not the only initiative to organize activities in space. A similar ILRSCO (International Lunar Research Station Cooperation Organization) project was initiated by China. The agreement includes countries such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa and Venezuela.

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