Szykuj sześć dyszek. Najtańsza porządna retrokonsola do wzięcia

Get ready for six bucks. The cheapest decent retro console you can get

This equipment needs no introduction. Data Grog SF2000 is a perfect example that you can make a great retro console for next to nothing. In the latest promotion it is cheaper than ever.

Whether you are looking for a sentimental journey for yourself or a cheap and indestructible console for your child, the Data Frog SF2000 will perfectly meet your requirements. The console has 3-inch IPS screenit charges via civilized USB-C, and the memory card can hold thousands of games.

Data Frog SF2000 bargain on aliexpress

What’s more, the console menu can work in Polishwhich makes it even more accessible to Polish users than previous solutions. The 1500 mAh battery provides 5 to even 6 hours of uninterrupted gaming, and the analog joystick placed next to the D-pad will work great in dynamic arcade games.

The device is capable of emulating NES games — better known in Poland from its clone called Pegasus, Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive Game Boys from the basic, before Color to Advance and arcade games from MAME. You don’t need additional cards to save the game, the console software will do it for you.

For more information about the console and the options available to choose from, check out the link below. One thing is for sure — for 60 PLN you won’t find a better console.

Check out the current promotion for the console:

👉 AliExpress

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