Zmiana w rachunkach za prąd. Rewolucja zacznie się w sierpniu

Change in electricity bills. The revolution will start in August

Electricity prices are one of the hottest topics this year. Meanwhile, in August we will have a small revolution that may significantly affect the amount of our bills.

Electricity prices are a topic that has been on the main pages of newspapers and news websites for many months. It became particularly loud this year because the government froze prices only until the end of June and we still do not know the coalition's plans for the second half of the year. Meanwhile, a revolution awaits us in August, regardless of the government's plans. Then dynamic tariffs will come into force – reports Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Electricity prices and dynamic tariffs

Dynamic electricity tariffs will come into force in August this year. Their rate will change every 15 minutes and will depend on several factors, e.g. the current network load or the availability of renewable energy sources. In practice, the higher the demand at a given time, the higher the prices will be, but not always, because on a sunny day some of the energy will come from photovoltaics, so the price may be lower.

How much electricity will cost at a given moment can be checked in a special application created, among others, by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne. There will be information not only about the current price, but also about electricity sources.

Initially, this tariff may only be useful for a small group of consumers, because most households consume the most electricity when it is most expensive – in the evenings.

– says Bernard Swoczyna, Instrat analyst, in an interview with DGP.

However, not everyone will benefit from dynamic tariffs. This requires new generation smart meters. Currently, a large exchange campaign is underway in Poland, but according to the regulations, by the end of 2025 only at least 25 percent. all electricity meters will be modern devices that allow the use of dynamic tariffs. The complete replacement process is to be completed by 2030.

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