Aż 2,7 mln Polaków musi w tym roku stawić się w urzędzie

As many as 2.7 million Poles must appear at the office this year

According to data from the Ministry of Digitization, almost 3 million Poles will face some obligation this year. It's about the ID card.

Every eligible Pole must have a valid ID card. Evasion of this obligation is punishable by restriction of liberty or a fine which may amount to up to PLN 5,000. zloty. This year, as many as 2.7 million Poles will have to exchange their documents.

Replacing your ID card

The Ministry of Digitization reports that this year as many as 2.7 million Poles will have to either replace or obtain their ID cards for the first time due to reaching the age of majority. Ultimately, this number may be higher because it does not take into account people who damage or lose the document. Importantly, the exchange itself is free.

If the ID card expires this year, an application for a new one must be submitted no later than 30 days before the expiry date of the old document. This can be done, among others, via the Internet (it is necessary to have a trusted profile, a qualified signature, an electronic signature certificate or a personal signature certificate). The application can also be submitted at any office. In both cases, you will need to go to the counter to physically collect the document.

It is true that in Poland there is an e-ID, which everyone can access in the mObywatel application. This should be treated on an equal footing with a plastic document. However, it is worth remembering that the digital ID is only available to people who have a valid, physical equivalent, so you will need to obtain a new one. Moreover, e-ID will not be respected outside our country.

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